1 March 2023

Applications are now open for children due to start pre-school in 2024, Powys County Council has said.
Parents or carers of children born between 1 September 2020 and 31 August 2021 can apply for a place in an early year setting ready to start in 2024.
Applications must be completed and submitted by Friday, March 31, 2023.
The Welsh Government funds the council to ensure that all children in Powys have access to free part-time early years education from the beginning of the term following the child’s third birthday.
Each qualifying child can receive a maximum of 10 hours per week of funded early years education if they attend an approved, funded pre-school education setting.
Children eligible for free part time education will only receive the funded place if they are attending an approved funded pre-school education setting.
Cllr Pete Roberts, Cabinet Member for a Learning Powys, said: “I would encourage all parents and carers to complete this application as soon they can to ensure that their child has the best opportunity of a place at their preferred early years / pre-school setting next year.
“If it is not completed in time, this may put at risk their child’s place at their preferred setting if it is a very popular one.”
Parents / carers will need to complete an online application form which can be found at Apply for Pre-School (3 and 4-year-olds) Early Years Education.
If you have any queries or are having problems completing or submitting the application please contact the Admissions Team on 01597 826449 or email [email protected]